Chemical Risk Management Curriculum (CRMC) Development and Adoption within Iraqi Universities
- Chemical Risk Management Curriculum (CRMC) Development and Adoption within Iraqi Universities
- 2022-05-23T00:00:00-06:00
- 2022-05-23T23:59:59-06:00
- When May 23, 2022 (America/Denver / UTC-600)
- Contact Name Sarah Calcutt
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Project Goal:
- Determine if any academic programs exist that focus specifically on chemical risk management
- Determine what chemistry/chemical engineering programs have some element of chemical safety and/or security (CSS) currently implemented
- Identify CSS education topics to be implemented into Iraqi institutional curriculums
- Establish network of Iraqi SMEs to develop, update, and improve chemistry curriculums to include chemical risk management topics
Project outline:
- Phase One (to occur remotely) Feb – July 2022
- Participant outreach to establish CRMC working group of up to 6 for CSS outreach survey.
- CRMC working group will draft abstract(s) for the ICCE conference on topics that include:
- Survey results and current curriculum developments/advancements
- Jointly develop the CSS survey with the Iraqi CRMC working group
- Phase Two (preferably will occur in-person with a remote contingency option) 18-22 July 2022
- 4 members of the Iraq CRMC working group to attend and present at the 26th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE) in Cape Town, South Africa, 18-22 July 2022
- Phase three (within 3month after Phase 2) – Tentative Nov 2022
- 5-day workshop for 14 participants (to include CRMC group) on curriculum design and to identify chemical security modules based on the gap analysis.
- Phase four (to occur remotely) (3-6 months following Phase 3)
- Two 2-hour webinars to discuss progress and address concerns
- Phase V (Pending timeline and progress of Phase 3 & 4)
- CRMC material pilot study
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