Indian Chemical Industry Security Vulnerability and Threat Assessment
- Indian Chemical Industry Security Vulnerability and Threat Assessment
- 2022-10-10T00:00:00-06:00
- 2022-10-21T23:59:59-06:00
- When Oct 10, 2022 to Oct 21, 2022 (America/Denver / UTC-600)
- Where India
- Contact Name Sarah Calcutt
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Announcement: Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and a team from the Indian Chemical Council (ICC) will conduct chemical security vulnerability and threat assessments (SVA) of three Indian chemical factories: Godavari Biorefineries Ltd – Sakarwadi Plant; Laxmi Organic Industries Ltd – Mahad Plan; and Chemplast Sanmar Ltd - Cuddalore Plant. In addition, the SNL SMEs will be training the ICC team on conducting SVAs to build sustainability of the capability within ICC.
The SNL/ICC team meet with the with employees of each factory for two and a half days to conduct the SVA of their site. Each assessment began with SNL presenting an introduction to SVA process. The SNL/ICC and the factory team will review the chemical processes at the site and discussed each factory’s chemical inventory to identify the chemicals, threats, and security controls that would be the focus of the assessments. Site visits will be conducted in addition to daily meetings.
Points of Contact:
Dr. Cecelia Williams, Ph.D. Dr. Mo Payne, Ph.D. Sue Caskey
Sandia National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories