North Africa Trainers Foundational Training: Cohort 3

  • When Nov 06, 2022 08:00 AM to Nov 10, 2022 05:00 PM (America/Denver / UTC-700)
  • Where Cairo, Egypt
  • Contact Name
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On behalf of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and Sandia National Laboratories Global Chemical & Biological Security (SNL/GCBS), we are honored to have the opportunity to facilitate this training event.  This is the first of a four-part training program to expand our network of biorisk management trainers in North Africa.  This training is designed to provide human and animal lab personnel with a foundational level of training in order to gain skills related to lab biorisk management.  Objectives for this training event include:

  • Introduce biorisk management topics through foundational level training. The training will aim to develop participants’ understanding of BRM concepts to include risk characterization, risk mitigation, biosecurity and risk & hazard communication
  • Provide a basis of learning and a platform for developing BRM programs at individual labs.

The desired outcome of this four-part engagement will be a strong core team of collaborative trainers that is capable of designing, developing, and delivering biorisk management training in an independent manner.

Draft Agenda:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

·    Welcome and Introductions: 

·    Orientation to Biorisk Management

·    Biorisk Characterization and Evaluation


·    Review of Day 1

·    Biorisk Mitigation Strategies

·    Introduction to Performance


·    Review of Day 2

·    Introduction to Laboratory Biosecurity


·    Review of Day 3

·    CWA/SMART Goals

·    Waste Disposal

·    Review of Day 4

·    Personal Protective Equipment

·    Closing Ceremony




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